Saturday, March 10, 2012

Does crysis which is a 3yr old game now still have better graphics then uncharted 2?

Ok uncharted 2 is currently the king of graphics on the ps3 and everybody says it looks nice but then when you compare it to crysis everybody says it looks like **** compared to crysis. Is this true? Does crysis really look so much better then uncharted 2?Does crysis which is a 3yr old game now still have better graphics then uncharted 2?
there is a reason why crysis is not on consoles, they don't have the technology to play such an advanced game like Crysis. Crysis looks better than any game made so far. When it came out you needed a $1000+ computer to play it on high graphics settings, even more to play it on very high. They are making Crysis 2 for consoles with the Cryengine 3, which is a cut down version of the Crysengine 2 so it can run on the outdated console systems.


the resolution is a little bad because of youtube, but still..

But in reality every game thats on the Pc and consoles, thje PC version always looks better, plays better, and sounds better then they do on consoles.Does crysis which is a 3yr old game now still have better graphics then uncharted 2?
Well clearly a PS3, with it's average graphics card, could never produce a picture better than a computer with the newest graphics cards. There are many games on the computer that look better...

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